Located in Ivins, Utah
Located in Ivins, Utah
Windhorse Relations acknowledges the basic goodness in all humans and our connection to the oneness of life. Our programs hold reverence for the divine nature of the horse and accept the American Wild Horse as our teachers. of self awareness, unconditional love, tolerance, acceptance, surrender and patience.
The Mustang has always been America's partner in its growth and greatness. Now a new relationship with these insightful and loving horses can heal troubled souls and guide us into a new paradigm.
Our Name is a blend of Eastern and Western spiritual teachings.
The Windhorse is the energy of basic goodness symbolizedd on oprayer flags with a horse centered.
This self-existing energy, Windhorse, is strong and exuberant. It can radiate tremendous power in your life. This basic goodness can be ridden like a horse. By following the disciplines of warriorship particularly the discipline of letting go, you can ride the wind of goodness. You can let go of worrying about your own state of mind and you can begin to think of others.
"Windhorse is a magical horse representing the inner strength of a human, his soul." Chogyam Trungpa
Windhorse Wisdom maintains a herd of 30 mustangs. We offer "Where Heart Meets Horse" experiences at Kayenta Korrals during the winter. Kayenta is a unique desert community located in southern Utah. All of our programs are about "Creating Willing Relationships" with the American Wild Horse, and maintaining its unbroken spirit and loving nature. This adventure connects humans with the spiritual nature of the wild horse and themselves
If you have a group that would like to schedule a multi-day adventure, call 801-557-1257 for more information and price.
Mustangs are helpful in getting us past the blockages through the experience of
"Where Heart Meets Horse."
were adopted from the Bureau of Land Management Program and were born in herds that roam in Utah, Nevada and California. We have horses from 11 different herds. The Windhorse Herd rersides at Kayenta Korrals in the desert communnity of Kayenta, in sourhern Utah.
Windhorse believes it is important for the healthy development of the horses that they remain in a herd setting with the freedom to interact and relate with other wild horses. The horses are not haltered, restrained or forced to accept our presence and touch. We allow them to choose to be with us and accept us as leaders.
as their herd leader teaches the human how to demonstrate inner strength with understanding of the needs of the horse. All of the additional steps in their "gentling" and education are performed with respect and trust. It is through this mutual understanding we are able to create WILLING RELATIONSHIPS.
In this two-hour adventure, participants come to understand the horse’s perspective toward humans and learn to observe the horse’s nonverbal language. A critical component of this training is to create a safe space for the horse and the participant. During this process, the horse is never restrained and always has the freedom to flee if uncomfortable.
Most participants have little or no prior experience with horses. In fact, many participants arrive with a fear of horses then learn to overcome their fear. Fear, stress, anxiety, trauma, depression and anger are replaced with peace, strength and emotional balance. This transformation occurs within the horse as well as the participant. This is our introductory experience.
Reservations are required. Call (801) 557-1257, Gift Certificates are available
If you plan to vacation in Southern Utah, you will find a vast selection of healthy living activities, dining, spa and outdoor at this wonderful resort. Lodging is also available at the Crescent Moon, in Kayenta Villiage.
When the human hearts meets the wild horse in love and understanding, the teachings circle back to transform and empower the human spirit.
"If you would learn the secret of right relations, look only for the good, this is, the divine, in people and things, and leave all the rest to God." J. Allen Boone
"Here is my secret. It's quite simple. One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes."--Antoine De Saint-Exupery.
The universality of the truth has resonated for corporate titans to autistic children and all the groups in between
"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart." -Helen Keller
"Thank you Windhorse. My spirit has never felt stronger.-Karen
"I liked the pace that allowed the humans and the horses to ease into interacting with each other. The respect and love for these horses is really apparent and I really felt what a blessing this program is for the people and the horses. Such a sensitive, respectful environment that feels safe and loving. Wonderful energy here. Wonderful." -S. from New York City.
"Besides the birth of my son, this has been the most powerful experience of my life!" -J.M. from Illinois.
"I really appreciate having a chance to get over my fear, and literally embrace the mustang mystique." -S.B. from Washington, D.C.
"Trust can bridge anything." B.B. from Maine.
"It helped me realize I needed to get out of my head and into my heart." C.W. from New York.
"This was a golden opportunity to learn about the mustangs. Being able to be so close and exchange energy with such magnificent animals will be an experience to treasure"-P.R. from Connecticut.
"Unbelievable how easily horses can be understood. Loved the way you can read them to understand how to connect with them."-C.W. from Ohio.
I suspect that if our society at large were aware of theses principles (willing relationships with horses), we would be a calmer, more peaceful group of people. We would be more able to communicate and cooperate in a non-threatening manner". -F.G. from Maryland.
Something in me changed that day with the Mustangs, something very special occurred. From that time forward, a new level of trust has been opened in me and I felt that somehow, through those amazing creatures. I had crossed a bridge towards a healing place where the world isn't so cruel and where unconditional love and acceptance can come in many different forms, including a herd of Mustangs."-S.G. from Florida.
"Wow! Pure and simple...very powerful and moving. Thank You"-C.M. from Canada.
"I cannot even describe the feelings of joy, peace and accomplishment. It was an opportunity of a lifetime. A beautiful experience". -B.H. from Missouri.
"Through interaction with the horses, we can learn respect, communication and trust. Thank you, this was a unique experience."-J.P from Washington.
"Interacting with the Mustangs opened my heart for the first time in two years, following the loss of my husband and dad. It has helped me to redefine my identity and has changed the direction of my life from one of insignificance to one of meaningfulness."- P. F. from Utah.
"The experience of "hooking on" between a human being and a horse can teach us so much about ourselves, about our relationships with others, and about the essence of a healing dialogue."- P.G from California.
" I learned that horses are like people in that you cannot require too much of them, too fast. People and horses must be approached with patience and understanding."- K.P. from Pennsylvania
When anyone asks Mary Lee what it is that makes our programs so special and unique, she is quick to answer, “It’s our Mustangs.” All of us who are fortunate enough to work with her say, “It’s Mary Lee and our Mustangs.” It’s the magical relationship she has with the horses that shines through each program and through each and every one of the horses.
Mary Lee listens to everything the horses show her and she responds with respect and insight. Sometimes it seem as if she knows what the horses are going to do before they do.
Her technique of “Working the Edge” is the cornerstone of the Windhorse Teaching Model. Mastery of the technique requires impeccable timing, keen awareness, and empathetic observation. Mary Lee’s relationship and ability with the horses demonstrates her incredible talent in all of these areas.
Although a great deal of her talent is innate, she has complimented her gift with her experiences working with Tom Dorrance, Ray Hunt, George Morris, Bob McDonald, Peggy Cummings, Linda Tellington Jones and Peter Campbell. Additionally, she is quick to point out that her greatest teachers have been the wild horses.
She has devoted her life to teaching and to being a student of the horse. By the age of 18, Mary Lee had won two California State Championships in Western Horsemanship. While attending Fresno University, Mary Lee trained colts and soon became a professional horse trainer. Mary Lee is always asking the questions: “How can I help the horse do his job more easily?” and “What gets in the way?” She believes becoming a better observer and understanding the horse’s perspective has been a key in her success.
In 1988, Mary Lee opened her own equestrian center, Brighton Meadows, in Salt Lake City, Utah. The center specialized in hunt seat equitation and sponsored the Brighton Meadows Show Team. The team took top honors in Utah, California, Arizona, and Colorado. Show Team members were the equitation champions in Utah for over fifteen years and have qualified for and placed in national competitions. www.bmec-online.com
In 1996, Mary Lee adopted her first mustang from the BLM Wild Horse Adoption Program. " Wild horses have transformed my life." The mustang's heart, keen awareness, intelligence and athletic abilities captivated her.
Mary Lee was chosen as one of a hundred top trainers in the United States to compete in the first Extreme Mustang Makeover competitions. She gentled her mustang without using “cowboy methods” roping, or another horse, to illustrate the willingness, intelligence, and natural ability of these incredible horses.
Mary Lee started teaching workshops and was profoundly impacted by the wisdom the mustangs have to share with the participants. Since then Mary Lee has founded Windhorse Relations™, and the Windhorse Mustang Herd has grown to 30 teachers. Her M.E.E.T. the Mustangs, Where Heart Meets Horse™, Workshops are expanding into a variety of fields and touching the lives of many people.
“Wild horses are my teachers. I have learned how to integrate my service as a teacher, my skills as a horseman, and my need for spiritual connection in M.E.E.T. the Mustangs, Where Heart Meets Horse programs. My mission is to guide wild horses and assist them in the full expression of their unique capabilities and greatness especially in healing the human spirit.”
Marcia is a gifted communicator and teacher. Her empathy and skills have changed lives and directed others along the path of excellence that she has walked so well herself.
After being undefeated for six years as the Utah State Amateur Champion, she became a renowned teaching professional and in 2007 was inducted into the Utah Golf Hall of Fame.
Marcia taught Honors English in Salt Lake City, Utah, for 25 years. Subsequently, she attained an MSW from Boise State University. During her educational experiences at Boise State, she worked with severely and chronically mentally ill patients, homeless children, adolescents and families.
Her empathy and skills have changed lives and directed others along the path of excellence that she has walked so well herself.
After being undefeated for six years as the Utah State Amateur Champion, she became a renowned teaching professional and in 2007 was inducted into the Utah Golf Hall of Fame.
Marcia taught Honors English in Salt Lake City, Utah, for 25 years. Subsequently, she attained an MSW from Boise State University. After she graduatedDuring her educational experiences at Boise State, she worked with severely and chronically mentally ill patients, homeless children, adolescents and families. She also worked as a clinician in a non-profit mental health clinic setting with individuals and couples. She also facilitated groups on anger
management and parenting.
After graduating, she moved back to Utah and obtained a CSW. She has worked as a clinician in drug and alcohol addiction. She facilitated groups for opiate addiction, relapse prevention, cognitive restructuring and after-care. She has also worked with domestic violence victims and perpetrators.
In 2002, Marcia became a cofounder in Windhorse Relations. Her previous experiences and beginner’s eye into horsemanship, helped create adventures with the Windhorse teachers that are transformative to humans, even if they are afraid of horses or have no previous experience. Marcia’s humor and great Windhorse Herd anecdotes keep the adventures playful yet powerful.
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve conditions. Your generous donation will fund our mission. All proceeds go directly to the horses. We have no paid infrastructure.
Mailing Address: 988 Tuomppian Ct., Ivins, Utah 84738
By Appointment
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